ADC FTTX Solutions OmniReach User Manual
Spec sheet, Omnireach, Fttx solutions

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FTTX Solutions
Plug-and-Play WDM Modules
ADC’s OmniReach
FTTP Solutions are the industry’s first infrastructure solutions designed from
the ground up to meet the unique requirements of FTTP networks. Designed for operational
efficiency and scalability, OmniReach solutions simplify FTTP network installation, maintenance
and management from the central office/headend to the outside plant.
The OmniReach plug-and-play WDM modules enable providers to deliver higher data rates and
additional services to customers. CWDM and DWDM devices in ADC’s plug-and-play package
enable applications, such as: WDM-PON, dedicated gigabit ethernet, fiber to the cell site, FTTN
node splitting and remote DSL applications.
Plug-and-play WDM modules can coexist in a traditional G-PON/B-PON networks to expand
services provided
OSP rated plug-and-play package design is common with ADC’s splitter portfolio and therefore
fits into ADC’s cabinets, chassis and frames
ADC’s common plug-and-play design recovers assets such as fibers and distribution products
already deployed in the field
Easy to insert and remove without affecting existing customers
OSP rated plug-and-play CWDM and DWDM modules are designed to meet the mechanical
and environmental requirements of GR-1209 and GR-1221
Rugged package protects delicate WDM devices from mis-handling and extreme outside
plant environments
Uses bend-optimized fiber and extreme temperature cabling