Operation, Principles of operation – Ransburg Air Heater Assy. A11065-05 User Manual

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The Air Heater system is shipped as 230V/

1 phase 50/60 Hz operation but can be converted

with simple jumper changes to 115 volt operation.

Heater and controls are contained in a single,

steel Type 12 enclosure vented to the atmosphere

through access ports for compressed air delivery.

Three LED indicator lights indicate the status of the

system. Green indicates a "power on" condition.

Red indicates an "alarm condition" resulting in

shutdown of power to the heater. Amber indicates

"insufficient air flow" for safe operation. The red

or amber light remains steady when ON or can be

jumper selected to flash when ON. In addition, an

audible warning option is also jumper selectable

to sound in intermittent warning when either the

red or the amber light is lit.

If an alarm condition occurs such as high tempera-

ture or insufficient air flow, the power to the heater

is interrupted by the safety contactor. When the

alarm condition is removed by the heater cooling

off or the airflow increasing, the heater will be

energized and operate until the system is turned

off or the next alarm condition occurs.

The heart of the control process is the temperature

controller. Upon startup, or immediately follow-

ing the acknowledgement of any alarm condi-

tion, the controller's PID programming provides

a fast, smooth approach to the final temperature

set- point. The PID parameter is set per "Auto-

Tuning Procedure" (see "Controller" manual for

"Auto-Tuning Procedure and all detailed controller


No cooling is required for the system. Air flow of

at least one (1) SCFM (28.3 SLPM) will satisfy

heater needs.


Air Heater Assembly - Operation

