Aerobell 168 - installation – Ransburg Aerobell 168 A12787 User Manual
Page 38

Aerobell 168 - Installation
INSTALLATION (continued)
High Voltage Cable Assembly In-
(Instructions for assembling components
when using High Voltage Cable SSW-1064)
1. Measure and cut cable to desired length.
Make sure ends are cut square.
2. Thread banana plug assembly (EPS-4245)
into the cable (SSW-1064) by hand for two
turns. Make sure to start on center of cable.
3. Take a 5/16" (8mm) deep well nut driver
and slip it over the banana plug and cable.
The nut driver will act as a guide while tighten-
ing the banana plug in place. Tighten banana
plug until the hex seats on the face of the ca-
ble. Check periodically to ensure screw of ba-
nana plug is being driven into center of cable.
Do this procedure for both ends of cable.
4. After assembling, use an ohm meter to
check for continuity from one end of the cable
to the other. The reading should be 10
ohms or less.
Aerobell 168 High Voltage Con-
nect at Atomizer End (All High
Voltage Cables)
Insert high voltage cable with banana plug as-
sembly thru ferrule nut (78441-00) and into
high voltage connection until it bottoms into
hole and seats firmly. Tighten compression
nut by hand, then tighten 1/2 more turn with a
wrench. Pull on cable to ensure a secure fit-
ting. If cable is loose and can be pulled free,
then reinsert cable and re-tighten as dis-
cussed previously.