Fairbanks 1124-1 Portable Platform Scale User Manual
Page 10

3. Operation:
a. Zeroing: Before weighing an object, ensure that the scale
is on ZERO with nothing on the platform. To do this, set
the sliding poise to "0", release the beam lock, and
observe the beam within the beam lock loop. (The beam
should move from near the top to near the bottom
eventually settling 'balancing' in the center). If not, adjust
the zero balance ball using a flat blade screw driver.
• If the beam stays at the top of the beam lock loop,
turn the balance ball screw counter-clock-wise.
• If the beam stays at the bottom of the beam lock
loop, turn the balance ball screw clock-wise.
Adjust the balance ball until the beam will balance
at the center of the beam lock loop.
b. Weighing:
• Check that the beam lock is 'ON' (lever flipped to
the left)
• Carefully place the object to be weighed in the
platform center
• Run the sliding poise to the right end of the beam,
and slowly release the beam lock
• If the beam stays at the bottom of the beam lock
loop, slowly slide the poise to the left (decreasing)
until the beam balances in the center. Read the
weight on the beam at the poise's pointer.
• If the beam stays at the top of the beam lock loop,
add counter poise weights to the counterpoise until
the beam 'bottoms out', then slowly slide the poise
to the left (decreasing) until the beam balances in
the center. Read the weight on the beam at the
poise's pointer, and add the represented weight of
all counterpoise weights used.
50595 Rev. 6