Fairbanks 3500 Series Yellow Jacket User Manual
Page 14

Section 3: Scale Installation
51233 Rev. 4
If corners
require adjustment, complete the following steps:
1. Remove the outside bolts on the quick access plate. This removes the J-box cover.
2. Safely lift scale on its end with forklift or heavy pry bar.
3. In order to adjust the potentiometers, the DIP switches are set as follows:
The factory default settings have these switches set to bypass the potentiometers.
4. Center the four Junction Box Potentiometers by turning the adjustment screw
counter-clock-wise position
until a clicking sound is heard, then turning each of
them back clock-wise
ten (10) turns
5. Identify the lowest reading, and then place the concentrated weight on this corner.
6. Place the concentrated weight on the corner displaying the lowest weight.
7. Turn the adjustment on the potentiometer clockwise (CW) to the displayed weight
so it reads the same as the highest reading.
8. Repeat this procedure while rechecking all corners until they are equal.
Important Note:
When moving the weight(s) from corner to corner,
zero the scale. The purpose is to adjust the corners to be the same, and not to
perform a correct calibration.
9. Perform a zero reference check with an unloaded platform.
10. Repeat the corner test to ensure all readings are the same before proceeding.
11. Replace J-box cover with outside bolts, replace quick-access cover with inside bolts,
and perform final calibration using the appropriate instrument’s service manual.
If corners
do not
require adjustment, complete the following steps:
1. Remove all weights.
2. Zero the instrument.
3. Perform a final calibration with test weights.
4. Follow the appropriate instrument service manual to ensure a proper calibration.