Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual

Page 79

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6. Configure the MVP to Receive the Second EDC Input:

6. Configure the MVP to Receive the Second EDC Input:

6. Configure the MVP to Receive the Second EDC Input:

6. Configure the MVP to Receive the Second EDC Input:

6. Configure the MVP to Receive the Second EDC Input:

Power up the MVP and use the buttons to navigate to the "Engine Data, Ports, Timers, etc. Setup" screen from
the "System Configuration Screens Menu." Scroll down to the line that reads "Port3 RS232 Input/Output/
Baud:" and select "EDC#2/OFF/19200." Your MVP must be running software with an ID of 2.x.x or greater to
use the second EDC.

7. Input Ambient Temp Calibration Data for the Second EDC:

7. Input Ambient Temp Calibration Data for the Second EDC:

7. Input Ambient Temp Calibration Data for the Second EDC:

7. Input Ambient Temp Calibration Data for the Second EDC:

7. Input Ambient Temp Calibration Data for the Second EDC:

Naviguate to the "5. EDC Input Cal." screen found in the System Configuration Screens Menu. Change the
"Input" line to "Temp Comp 2." Scroll to the "Reset values back to factory defaults" line found at the bottom
of the screen and select "Yes." Next, Scroll to "Offset" and set its value to the value written on the middle
connector that came with the second EDC. Your Done.