Teledyne 326, 327 and 328 - Oxygen analyzers User Manual
Page 8

Teledyne Analytical Instruments
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Section 1
Section 1
Section 1
Section 1
Section 1
Specific Application Information
for your instrument in front of the
Table of Contents.
1.1 Model Designation
The basic model number of each of the analyzers (326, 327, and 328)
has a suffix that describes the options included. Suffixes for the standard
options are listed below.
R: Electronic motherboard designed with receptacles for
standardized plug-in support circuitry, such as linearized or
custom output modules.
A: Panel mount
B: Bulkhead mount
O: Isolated current output
-2: Dual alarm setpoint
X: Special configuration as specified at the time of order.
C: CENELEC (Comité Européen de Normalisation
Electrotecnique) version.
1.2 Models 326R Description
The Model 326R is a general purpose version designed for use in non-
hazardous areas. The electronics circuits, Micro-Fuel Cell, and other sample
handling components are all packaged as a single unit. In some applications,
such as the Model 9150 Flue Gas system, the immediate enclosure may not
be used, since the entire system is housed in a system enclosure. In those
cases the electronics are mounted upon a backplate, rather than within the
Model 326 enclosure.
Mounting styles for the analyzer include panel mount (Model 326RA),
surface or bulkhead mount (Model 326RB), and bulkhead mount NEMA-4
(Model 326RBN). Though the physical appearance differs according to the
mounting style, analyzer functions are the same.
Sample flow controls for the Model 326R are mounted on a gas selector
panel below or to the right of the front panel. Electrical controls and
terminal strip are accessible from the back of the analyzer in the 326RA and
behind the front panel, which swings open, in the 326RB. The sensor is
located behind the door on the front panel of the analyzer. The flow rate is
displayed by a flowmeter, which is mounted on, to the right of, or behind
the control panel. In other cases, a separate panel may be used to contain
valves for sample selection and flow control. When the analyzer is used as
part of a system, various means of sample handling may be used A piping