Teledyne 212R - Thermal conductivity analyzer User Manual
Page 9

Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Model 212R
Run the cable attached to the transformer unit in through the access hole
that is equipped with the cable clamp and terminate it as specified on the
interconnection diagram.
2.2.4. Completion and Inspection.
After the electrical connections have been completed, slide any excess
slack back into the conduits so that the installed wiring is not in contact with
the components mounted on the analyzer chassis.
Remove the three foam strips that are taped to the inside of the analyzer
door and use them to stuff the conduit openings. It is important that these
openings be as well sealed as possible.
Check to see that the temperature control printed circuit board, and all
vacuum tubes are firmly seated in their respective sockets.
Close and latch the control panel. There should be no further need to have
access to the interior of the analyzer. All controls and adjustments are arranged
so that they can be manipulated without disturbing the delicate temperature
equilibrium of the instrument interior.
Gas Requirements and Connections.
Before attempting installation of the sample and supporting gas lines and
accessories give careful consideration to the following important installation
Note #1: It is absolutely necessary that all connections and components
in the gas control system ahead of the measuring cell be leak
free. Toward that end TAI has tested the integral sampling
system under pressure with a sensitive leak detector and
certifies that the analyzer is leak free.
Note #2: Use no solder connections in the system. Soldering fluxes
outgas into the sample lines and produce erratic output
readings. Acid type soldering fluxes actually attack and
permanently change the characteristics of the detector cell
measuring elements.
Note #3: All sample system tubing should be new and clean. Many
gases and vapors are absorbed by dirt or oxide coatings on
tubing walls. These gases and vapors are released as the
ambient temperature rises. Because of the high sensitivity of
the analyzer, this absorption-desorption phenomenon can