ADIC Scalar Series User Manual

Page 82

background image




10.0 format, 34
10.0 GB tape format, 4
15.0 format, 34


2.6 format, 34
2.6 GB tape format, 4
20.0 format, 34


6.0 format, 34
6.0 GB tape format, 4


application software, 3, 4, 6, 16, 24, 30, 31, 36, 38, 41,


archiving, 2


backup operations, 30
backup software, 6, 8, 10, 16
bail locks, 15, 46
bar code label, 3
Bar Code Scanner, 3
barcode label, 36, 37
barcode labels, 6, 7
Built-in Diagnostics, 4
Buzzer Configuration, 22
Buzzer Configuration option, 23


Calibrate X and Y, 22
Calibrate X and Y function, 57, 58
cartridge inventory, 30, 31
Cartridge Pre-Check, 4
Causes of the Use Cleaning Tape Warning, 42
cleaning a drive head, 21
cleaning cartridge, 3, 6, 8, 21, 41, 60, 64
cleaning cycle, 8, 41, 42
Cleaning Tape, 40
Cleaning the Drive Head, 40
Cleaning the Enclosure, 43
Compression mode, 34
Configuration Menu, 9, 22, 23
Copyright Notice, ii, iii


data reliability, 3
data storage software, 10

density selection mode, 34
Determining Your SCSI Configuration, 12
diagnostic firmware, 4
diagnostic results, 4
Diagnostics Menu, 22, 26, 38, 39, 50
Differential SCSI, 4
Digital Linear Tape, 3, 60
DLT drives, 4, 30, 31, 35, 46, 60
Downloadable Firmware, 4
Drive Data Capacity, 64
Drive Data Transfer Rate, 64
drive head cleaning, 4
Drive Operating Conditions, 33
drive operating status, 4
Drive Power on Self Test, 32, 33, 34
Drive Power-on Self-Test, 31
Drive SCSI ID Rotary Switches, 20
Drive Status, 32
Drive Type, 22, 64
dust contamination, 42


embedded data logging of drive errors, 4
embedded data logging of operational errors, 4
EMI/RFI Compliance, iv
EMI/RFI limit specifications, iv
Enable Security, 22
Environmental Considerations, 47
Error Counters, 22
Error Counters function, 51
Event Counters, 22
Event Counters function, 26, 50, 51
Exabyte Emulation, 3


F/W Revision function, 26, 50, 52
failure analysis, 4
formatted capacity, 3
Front Panel Switches and Indicators, 18


Head Cleaning Procedure, 41
hierarchical storage management, 2, 60
high humidity, 42
host adapter, 6, 10, 52
host computer, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 31, 36, 60
HSM, 2, 60


I/O connector, 10, 46
Init Scan Barcodes, 22
installation of firmware updates, 4
Installation Problems, 46