3 troubleshooting, 1 side mount – Orion Instruments Atlas User Manual
Page 16
46-638 Magnetic Liquid Level Indicators
2.3.1 Side Mount
Flags do not rotate with level change.
Test flags with a magnet from bottom to top (magnet not
included). If flags test okay, check for float obstruction.
(See Section 2.5, Maintenance on page 16)
Flags rotate at different height than actual level.
Float selected for different specific gravity. Replace float with
a float with correct specific gravity rating. Confirm correctness
of float orientation. Top is up.
Float inside the level gauge is moving
Make sure the MLI is level vertically.
slow or not at all.
The process fluid being measured may be too viscous and
heat tracing may be required to make the material more fluid.
Heat tracing can be purchased from the factory.
The specific gravity of the process fluid and the float weight
may need to be reverified.
The liquid being measured may contain magnetic particles
collecting on the magnetic section of the float causing drag.
If this happens, magnetic trap assemblies can be purchased
from the factory.
Visual inspection of the float may be required to see if the float
has collapsed.
Switch does not actuate with level change.
Check micro switch for continuity. Replace if damaged. If
okay, remove switch from piping column and test switch mag-
net assembly with re-alignment magnet, by moving magnet
over the housing face. If the switch magnet assembly fails to
respond, replace the switch. If the switch tests okay, check
float travel.
Reed transmitter does not track level.
Remove transmitter assembly from piping column and test
with re-alignment magnet. Run magnet from bottom to top of
reed chain. Check zero and span calibration. If no change in
output, replace.
Scale is at zero to the center of the bottom
The scale assembly is mounted to the chamber using stainless
process connection, but the indicator is above
steel gear clamps. It can be easily adjusted in the field using a
or below zero.
screwdriver. Make sure the scale zero is in line with the center
of the process connection.
The float stop spring at each end of the chamber is there to
cushion as well as position the float assembly to the center of
the process connection. Make sure top or bottom float stop
springs are not bent or broken.
Shuttle indicator has uncoupled and
In some “flashing” applications, the float may rise or fall quickly.
fallen to the bottom of the glass tube.
Consult factory for suggestions to help avoid this.
To re-couple the indicator to the float, simply use a small mag-
net and run it along the length of the chamber to locate the
float. Mark the location of the float on the outside chamber.
Use the small magnet to couple with the indicator and pull the
indicator up to meet and couple with the float.
Make sure all stainless steel gear clamps are tight. The scale
channel must be tight against the chamber.
NOTE: Ensure unit installation is level.