Nova-Tech Density Kit for Adam PW and PGW Series User Manual

Page 8

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• When “DENSITY LIqUId” is displayed, press [Enter]

• The volume will be asked for. Enter the volume using the numeric

entry method or continue using the last volume entered

• Press [Enter] to continue

• The balance will request for the weight in air by displaying “AIR

WEIGHT”. Place the glass plumb supplied with the density
determination kit in air on the weighing pan. When stable press

to start the air weighing

• On completion of the air weighing, the balance will request for the

weight in liquid by displaying “LIQUID WT”. Submerge the glass
float in the liquid. When stable press the [Enter] key. The balance
will compute the density of the liquid and display it as “DENSITY
XXXX g/cc”

• Remove the float

• Press [Mode] to continue with a new liquid sample or press [Esc]

to return to normal weighing


For best accuracy follow these suggestions-

• Samples should be tested more than once and the average value

be taken.

• Only distilled water should be used.

• The water should be at a stable temperature.

• The sample must be degreased.

• The sample should not be porous. If it is porous then special

preparation might be necessary.

© Adam Equipment Company 2007


• Ensure that the sample is completely covered by about 10mm of

the liquid at the top.