0 introduction, 0 features – Nova-Tech Density Kit for Adam PW and PGW Series User Manual

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The Density Determination Kit from Adam Equipment allows the users of
PW and PGW series of balances to determine the density of solids and
liquids directly using the internal program of the balance.


• Easy to use - all the activities are described by a message on the

display for user.

• Reliable (all the calculations are done by the balance).

• Speed of test (the result is shown immediately after the sample is

placed into the water or the float is placed into the liquid).

• Accuracy (before every measurement the balance is automatically

zeroed. The user also enters the temperature of the liquid to
account for density variations due to temperature or can enter the
density of the liquid directly).

• Possibility to print the results or to send them to a PC for further


© Adam Equipment Company 2007