0 measurement of liquid density – Nova-Tech Density Kit for Adam PW and PGW Series User Manual
Page 7

density (g/cc) using the numeric entry method
• Press [Enter] to continue
• The balance will request for the weight of the sample in air by
displaying “AIR WEIGHT”. Place the solid item on the top pan.
When the sample pan is stable, press [Enter] to determine the
• After completion of the air weighing, the balance will request for the
weight in liquid by displaying “LIQUID WT”. Submerge the solid
item into the liquid. When stable, press [Enter] to start the liquid
weighing. The balance will compute the density of the sample and
display it as “DENSITY XXXX g/cc”
• After completion of the liquid weighing, remove the solid item from
the pan
Press [Mode] to continue with a new sample or press [Esc] to
return to normal weighing
When finding the density of a liquid, it is necessary to weigh a sample of
known volume in air and then in the chosen liquid. The volume of the
sample must be entered using the numeric entry method. The last known
volume is stored for use at any time.
In the AE density determination kit, a glass float has been provided with
the volume of the float marked on its support, i.e. 10.5089
• After installing the Density Kit, tare the balance by pressing the
• Press [Mode] and then [Up] and [Down] to select Density
• Press [Enter] to select the Density mode
• Use [Up] and [Down] to scroll through the solid or liquid method
© Adam Equipment Company 2007