Nokta detectors Golden Sense User Manual User Manual
Page 16

It is important to pay attention to the following points before and during search in terms of device performance and
getting accurate results:
1- The device operates on the principle of motion. This means that you must move the search coil over the target or the
target over the search coil, in order for the device to see it. In other words, metal detection is not possible without moving
the search coil.
2- Based on the same principle, do not hold your search coil still over a detected target. If the coil is held still over the target,
the device cancels out the process and does not see the target anymore. When you start moving the coil again, the device
will resume detection.
3- For correct metal detection, the way you hold the shaft and sweep the search coil and keeping the coil parallel to the
ground are very important factors. Before starting to search, please refer to the related sections in the manual. (pages 9-10)