ADC ETP-64 User Manual
Spec sheet, Etp-64 ethernet termination panel

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ETP-64 Ethernet Termination Panel
Central Office Connectivity for Carrier Ethernet Services
The Ethernet termination panel was developed to provide a streamlined transition from the
connectorized interface cables of a carrier Ethernet system to main distribution frame (MDF)
paired circuits.
The panel is relay rack mounted and terminations are made on the rear of the Ethernet panel.
Installing the ADC ETP-64 Ethernet termination panel allows separate circuits to route individually
or grouped as needed by bringing all circuits out to the MDF.
All connections made on rear side of ETP-64
64ea. 4-wire Ethernet ports from Central Office based equipment via 50 pin AMP (male/plug type)
64ea. 4-wire Ethernet ports (128 pair) to MDF via LSA-PLUS NT IDC terminal blocks
Internal wiring directly connects the equipment side to MDF side (no cross connect jumpering)
ETP-64 converts from 50 pin AMP type connector to individually paired circuits
Test access point for wire testing and troubleshooting of equipment independent of MDF wiring