Diamond Products WS25 User Manual
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Wire sawing can be a very efficient method of removing large pieces of concrete.
As with any type of construction task, attention must be paid to proper setup and
safety. This manual will outline some of the critical aspects or wire saw safety
and operation. Local ordinances and safety regulations should always be strictly
adhered to.
As with many construction and destruction operations, safe working practices
must always be adhered to.
As with any concrete sawing operation, care must be taken to ensure that there
is no danger within the concrete to be cut. It is important to ensure that there are
no gas lines, electric lines or water lines within the concrete. It is important to
know of any other foreign objects in the concrete including rebar. Consideration
needs to given to the piece to be removed and how it will be supported such that
it can be safely cut and removed.
The equipment must be in good operating condition. The wire saw must be
inspected to ensure that it is operating properly. Carefully inspect all pulleys and
rubber lining. The wire must be inspected for any abnormal wear, or frayed wire.
The area must then be prepared. Rope off the area in front of, behind and on the
sides of the site to a distance of at least two times the free wire length (see fig.1).