3 mea_select program – Multichannel Systems MEA1060-Inv-BC Manual User Manual

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First Use of the MEA Amplifier


3.3 MEA_Select


MEA Amplifier with blanking circuit (MEA1060-BC)

When starting the software program MEA_Select for controlling the blanking circuit of the
MEA amplifier the main window appears. You see the electrode button array on the left side.
Select the MEA layout from the drop down menu and the electrode button array will be adapted.
Click any or “All" button to select any or all electrodes for recording, stimulation or grounding.

Electrode button array adapted for 4QMEA1000 layout and HexaMEA layout.

The Stimulation window provides four options: Not Stim. = Recording (the button in MEA
layout is grey and labeled with the number of the electrode. Ground (the button in MEA layout
is grey without number of electrode. Stim. A = Stimulation A (the button in MEA layout is blue
and labeled with the number of the electrode). Stim. B = Stimulation B (the button in MEA layout
is red and labeled with the number of the electrode). The software allows to select any electrode
on a MEA for recording, grounding, and stimulation. You can apply two different stimulus
protocols A and B.