2 setting up mc_rack – Multichannel Systems µPA16+32 Manual User Manual
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Micro Preamplifier Manual
3.2 Setting up MC_Rack
Please refer to the MC_Rack Manual for more information.
Start MC_Rack. Click Data Source Setup on the Edit menu. Select a 1-dimensional layout. Select the
number of electrode channels, 16 channels when using a μPA16, 32 channels when using a μPA32.
Deselect the check box for the digital channel if you do not need it.
Add the data acquisition to your virtual rack.
In the tree view pane of the virtual rack, select the data acquisition, and click the Hardware tab. Enter
the total amplifier gain according to the specifications of the instruments. For example, for a micro
preamplifier with a gain of 10 and a following filter amplifier with a gain of 100, the total gain is 1000.
On the Edit menu, click Add Data Display to add a raw data display to your virtual rack.
In the virtual rack tree view pane, select the Display 1 and click the Layout tabbed page. Set up
a channel map with channels 1 to 16 or 1 to 32 or select “Default Map”.
Adjust the display ranges to 1000 ms and +/–50 μV.
3.2.1 Noise Level Test
Typical results of a noise level test are shown in the following screen shots. The Portable ME32-System
used for this test had a total gain of 1000 and a bandwidth of 1 to 5000 Hz. If you use a filter amplifier
with a narrower bandwidth, you can generally expect a slightly lower noise level.
To test the noise level connect the μPA32 to a Portable ME32-System, for example, but without
electrode probe. The noise level is 60 μV peak to peak. The window shows electrode raw data.