Minuteman Mirage 27 Propane Burnisher User Manual

Page 21

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Parts and Instruction Manual -

Mirage 27” Propane Burnisher

Page 14


To protect the environment in which we will live, the manufacturer has incorporated (1) crankcase emission and
(2) exhaust emission control systems (EM) in compliance with applicable regulations of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board.
1. Crankcase Emission Control System. A sealed-type crankcase emission control system is used to eliminate

blow-by gases. The blow-by gases are led to the breather chamber through the crankcase where it is led to the
air cleaner. Oil is then separated from the gases while passing through the inside of the breather chamber from
the crankcase, and then returned back to the bottom of crankcase.

2. Exhaust Emission Control System. The exhaust emission control system applied to this engine consists of a

carburetor and an ignition system having optimum ignition timing characteristics. The carburetor has been
calibrated to provide lean air/propane mixture characteristics and optimum propane economy with a suitable air
cleaner and exhaust system.

Tampering with Emission Control System Prohibited: Federal law and California State law prohibits the following
acts or the causing thereof: (1) the removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of
maintenance, repair, or replacement, of any device or element at design incorporated into any new engine for the
purpose of emission control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2) the use
of the engine after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any person.

Among acts presumed to constitute tampering involve the parts/systems listed below:

Carburetor and internal parts

Spark plugs

Magneto or electronic ignition system

Propane filter element

Air cleaner elements


Cylinder heads

Breather chamber and internal parts

Intake pipe and tube

To ensure personal safety, adjustments should ONLY be made by a qualified LPG system technician or an
authorized service center, using an exhaust gas analyzer. Do not operate the engine if carbon monoxide levels
exceed OSHA standards.

Do not exceed the 50 hour oil change interval. Oil changes more frequent than 50 hours will give even longer
engine life. In any case, always use 30HD or 10W30 engine oil with all of the following ratings: SF, SG, and CC. The
various engines have different oil sump capacities. Make sure the oil level is maintained at the "FULL" level.

First 25 HOURS and Every 50 HOURS Thereafter

Change engine oil. *

Check engine for loose parts. *

Check propane system hoses for wear or damage. *

Check engine mount bolts. *

Check for leakage of engine oil at the various seals.*

Return engine to authorized service * center for overall checkup.