Installation, Objectives, System requirements – Micromod MOD: Extended Modbus (XModbus) OPC Server Users Guide User Manual

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2.1 Objectives

This chapter explains the installation procedure for the Extended Modbus OPC Server.

2.2 System


For running the Extended Modbus OPC Server, you need the following computer
configuration and software installed:

• Pentium 300 MHz or faster processor with 64 MB RAM.
• At least 100 MB of available hard disk space.
• CD ROM Drive (at least 4 speed, higher speed recommended)
• A SVGA monitor or better.
• Windows 2000 or Windows XP or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. Service Release

4.0 or higher with Service Pack 5 or higher or Microsoft Windows 98 Second
Edition or Microsoft Windows 95 B Release with DCOM

• A mouse or other compatible pointing device.

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