Micromod MOD: ICN OPC Server Users Guide User Manual

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ICN OPC Server

Application Tutorial


Select the Device: Click on the Browse button next to the Device Name field.

• The Select Device dialog box will display as shown below next. You will also

notice the ICN OPC Server application started automatically with the OPC
database file you last saved.

Figure 3 .11.

Select Device

• This Select Device dialog box will show the name of the device you added to the

OPC Database in Part A of this lab. Select the device and then click on OK.

The devices in the Select Device list are populated from the last saved/opened ICN
OPC Server database file

• The Communication dialog box will redisplay as shown below with the name of

the device in the Device Name field.


Populate OPC Server tag database with attributes selected in the Modcell Interface File
(.MIF file):

• Refer to the following display.
• Check the box Populate ViZapp and Server Tag lists by clicking on it and then

select the Modcell Interface File (.MIF) from the Available MIF Files list at he

By doing this you can populate the OPC Server tag database with tags that will be
automatically created from the attributes defined in the MIF file (attributes added to
your Configured List blocks in the strategy). This will save a tremendous amount of
engineering time as you do not have to create each tag manually.

This will also create a list of Tags in the VizApp Configurator automatically. These
tags can be used to add graphic objects to your instrument documents and display

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