Meriam M1 – Series Pressure Calibrator User Manual
Page 8
M1 Series – PC
Instruction Manual 9R000035-IR
E.O. 6409 JAN 2008
Page 8 of 18
Engineering Units Select
For pressure measurements:
mmHg (@ 0°C)
(@ 0°C)
mmH2O (@20°C)
user 1
user 2
To change the pressure units, press the UNIT key while in NORMAL or
HOLD modes.
“user 1” and “user 2” are reserved for custom user defined units of measure.
Contact Meriam if this support is required.
Note: Depending upon the pressure range of the M1, some engineering units
may not be available (i.e. they will be skipped).
When the M1 is turned on, it will default to the last selected pressure
engineering units.
For temperature measurements:
To change the temperature units, press the UNIT key while in TEMP mode.
Notes: When the TEMP mode is selected, the M1 will default to the last
selected temperature engineering units.