Discontinued – Max Machinery 710 Wall Mount User Manual
Page 6

Installation Overview
Hoses are run to the fuel tank and engine. The
normal connection to the engine must be broken
to allow the Max 710 to be inserted in the fuel
path. If the normal fuel pressure is not known at
this point, it is a good idea to insert a pressure
gauge and determine the line pressure.
The Model 710 can be used in two modes
First Operating Mode
The first operating mode activates only the
transfer pump and the vehicle fuel pump draws
fuel from the conditioner as it would from
the vehicle fuel tank. In this case, the system
pressure is determined by the engine.
Second Operating Mode
In the second operating mode, both the transfer
and secondary pump are activated. The supply
pressure is set via the fuel conditioner regulator
to meet the engine specification. This mode is
generally used when the engine fuel pump is
bypassed or when there is a fuel pump located
upstream of the 710 (in tank or trunk mounted
pump). The secondary pump is used to boost the
pressure back to normal engine specification.
Step - by - Step Installation Instructions
1. Start with the Supply Pressure knob fully
unscrewed, CCW (minimum pressure).
2. Connect the fuel lines:
FROM TANK goes to the fuel source (tank).
Place hose in the fuel.
TO TANK goes to the fuel source (tank). Place
hose above the fuel level. This hose returns
unused fuel to the tank.
TO ENGINE goes to the fuel injector or
FROM ENGINE returns unused fuel from the
injector or carburetor to the Model 710 System.
VENT is routed to the fuel tank headspace.
COOLANT OUT/IN goes to recirculating coolant
source. (710-211 only)
3. Connect the flow meter signal and Power
a. The Interface cable runs between the
Conditioner and your Indicator or PLC.
b. Connect the power terminal to the
vehicle battery or power supply.
SELECT “ON” (1 pump) or “ON (Recirculation
Pump)” (2 pumps) mode
START THE VEHICLE. If using two pumps, set the
correct supply pressure.
Check carefully for any fuel leaks before starting
the tests.
NOTE: If the available current is insufficient, the
system fuse will blow. Turn off the power and
check the connections and the fuse if the unit
fails to operate.