MAX HS130(CE) User Manual
Page 11

Then depress the contact arm against the
work-piece. (The tool must fire the fastener.)
4 Adjust the air pressure as much as the low-
est possible according the length of fastener
and the hardness of work-piece.
The Sequential Trip requires the operator to hold
the tool against the work before pulling the trig-
ger. This makes accurate fastener placement
easier, for instance on framing, toe nailing and
crating applications. The Sequential Trip allows
exact fastener location without the possibility of
driving a second fastener on recoil, as described
under "Contact Trip".
The Sequential Trip Tool has a positive safety
advantage because it will not accidentally drive a
fastener if the tool is contacted against the work-
or anything else-while the operator is holding the
trigger pulled.
Identified by ORANGE TRIGGER.