Magnum Venus Plastech DuraMAX Gun DMX-3000 User Manual

Page 27

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DuraMAX Gun Manual

Rev. 12/2012

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Resin Problems

1. Resin leaking around Needle (inside Needle Housing CPR-2004-01)


Check that the needle is not bent


Lightly tighten Packing Nut (MG-2022)


Replace Packing Seal (MAX-2008)

2. Resin leaking around Needle Housing


Replace O-Ring (O-S-012) on Needle Housing (MAX-2013)

3. Resin leaking from the Mix Housing / front of the gun


Check Piston Needle (MAX-2010-01) for wear or damage, replace as needed


Check Carbide Seat (MAX-2011-01) for wear or damage, replace as needed


Replace O-Ring (O-T-010) under the Carbide Seat (MAX-2011-01)


Damaged or Weak Return Spring (04039-1), replace as needed


Check for excessive pressure in resin system

4. No Resin from the gun


Make sure trigger is pulling resin needle back / open


Check gun block for blockages


Check resin pump for proper operation (See resin pump manual)

5. Resin leaking between fitting and gun block


Replace O-Ring (O-S-012) on fitting

6. Resin leaking from around the resin shut off needle


Lightly tighten Packing Nut (DMX-3002)


Replace O-Ring (O-T-010)

Flush Problems

1. Solvent leaking from around flush button (inside flush body)


Replace O-Ring (O-E-008)* on valve button

2. Solvent leaking from around flush neck (next to gun block)


Replace Split Seal (5104-21-1)

3. Solvent leaking from between the flush neck and flush body


Replace Flush Valve Seal (5104-26-1)

4. Solvent leaking around flush elbow fitting


Tighten flush swivel Elbow Fitting (TRU-1021)


Replace Nylon Seal (7304-3-1)


Replace flush swivel Elbow Fitting (TRU-1021)

5. Solvent leaking from Mix Housing / front of the gun


Check for debris in seal area or damage to flush body


Replace O-Ring (O-A-007) on flush seal body


Check for excessive pressure is flush system, set to no more than 80psi