Magnum Venus Plastech PATRIOT TESTING & ADJUSTING User Manual

Page 28

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Patriot - Testing & Adjusting Manual

Rev. 01/2013

Page | 28

Down stroke Upstroke

Down stroke Upstroke

Down stroke







Result 4:
Material delivered on the catalyst pump down-stroke (from the top of the stroke to the
bottom) is not curing or slow cure (see figure above).

Indicates: No catalyst is being delivered on the down-stroke.

Probable Cause: Worn or damaged inlet body.

Worn or damaged inlet body ball.
Worn or damaged inlet body O-ring.

Solution: Replace worn and damaged parts, see Service and Repair Manual.

Start Spray Test

Direction of gun travel

End Spray Test

Result 5:
Material is delivered with streaks running the length of the test spray. Some strips cure
normally, some not at all, other cure at faster or slower rates (see figure above). This is
not a pumping problem, it is a mixing problem.

Indicates: a mixing problem and the fan is delivering streams of poorly catalyzed
resin and/or pure catalyst.

Probable Cause: the Static or Turbulent Mixer is worn, clogged or damaged in
some way. A scratched or damaged Mix Chamber can also cause this problem.

Solution: shut down the system and inspect the Mixer and Mix Chamber.
Repair or replace as needed.

Normal cure

Slow / No Cure