Specifications – Lectrosonics PT3 User Manual
Page 26

Get Device Name - Causes the PT3 to send its “name” string back. The first data byte is the length of the name
string, and the rest of the data bytes are the device name.
Host sends command - 1
Host receives data bytes: Byte 1 is the length of the name string (3 for the PT3), bytes 2 thru 4 are the ASCII values
for “PT3”.
Get Firmware Version - Causes the PT3 to send to the host the version number of the current firmware (times ten).
For example, Version 1.0 software would be returned as 10 (decimal).
Host sends command - 25
Host receives data byte: firmware version.
Link/Unlink LecNet - Causes the PT3 to connect the PC port through to the LecNet and pause operation, or to
disconnect the PC port from the LecNet and resume operation. This allows the device connected to the PC port to
send commands to other devices connected to the LecNet via the PT3.
Host sends command - 40
Host sends byte - 1 for link, 0 for unlink
Host receives confirmation byte: always 0
Check Link/Unlink Status - Causes the PT3 to indicate whether the PC port is currently linked to the LecNet (and
normal PT3 operation paused) or the PC port is not linked to the LecNet (and the PT3 is operating normally).
Host sends command - 41
Host receives data byte: 1 for linked, 0 for not linked
Set AXlink Device Number - Changes the PT3’s AXlink device number setting to the value specified.
Host sends command - 49
Host sends byte - the desired AXlink device number
Host receives confirmation byte: always 0
Get AXlink Device Number - Retrieves the PT3’s AXlink device number setting.
Host sends command - 50
Host receives data byte: the AXlink device number
AXlink connector pinout
The PT3 connects to the AXlink bus and responds as a standard AXlink-compatible peripheral. The device number is
software configurable in the Options window, and the device id is fixed at hexadecimal 10, the device id assigned by
AMX Corp. for use by Lectrosonics. The PT3 can translate changes to all 255 channels and all 8 levels normally
associated with an AXlink-compatible device. An additional 56 levels may be simulated (see ‘BANK0’ through
‘BANK7’ on the next page). Direct interaction with the LecNet may be achieved with SEND_STRING.