Lectrosonics PT3 User Manual
Page 15

Protocol Translator
8. If the PT3 is connected, you may now transfer your new settings to it by clicking the Go Live button. The Power/PC
LED on the PT3 will flicker while the transfer is taking place. It is necessary to perform this step if you wish to test the
PT3 in the following steps.
9. If you do not wish to test your setup, you may skip to step 16. To test the PT3 settings as transferred in step 8,
disconnect the PT3’s PC port cable and power connection. Leaving the PC port cable disconnected, power the PT3
back on. The PC connection is not needed once your settings have been stored to the PT3. Leaving the PC discon
nected guarantees that no software component of LecNet Master Pro is capable of disabling the PT3.
10. Be sure the PT3 is connected to the AM8 mixer and your MIDI keyboard (refer to INSTALLING THE HARDWARE for
hookup instructions). All devices should be powered on. Turn all the AM8 volume controls all the way down. This will
ensure that the front panel LED channel indicators will remain off when the channels are in Auto mode.
11. Play a few notes on the MIDI keyboard. The MIDI LED on the PT3 should flicker. If it doesn’t, the PT3 is not receiv
ing MIDI signals. Check that the MIDI cable is connected to the MIDI OUT jack on the keyboard, and select OMNI mode
on the keyboard, if available. Refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING section if you need help.
12. Once the MIDI LED responds to keyboard activity, press middle C. If you are unsure which C is middle C, try
pressing each C key in turn, watching the LED indicators. The MIDI LED will flicker with every note pressed. The
LecNet indicator will flicker only when a translated note (middle C) is pressed. If none of the C keys cause the LecNet
indicator to flicker, the keyboard’s base MIDI channel is probably different from the PT3’s MIDI channel as selected in
step 2. For additional help, consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section or your keyboard’s MIDI documentation.
13. Strike middle C (note 60). Both the MIDI and LecNet LEDs should flicker, indicating a successful translation. Middle
C (note 60) invokes the Auto/Direct Remote action, preparing the AM8 for remote Auto vs. Direct commands.
14. Strike the D above middle C (note 62). This invokes the Auto/Direct All Direct action, setting all the AM8’s inputs to
Direct mode, thus lighting all the AM8’s front panel LED channel indicators.
15. Now strike the E above middle C (note 64). This invokes the Auto/Direct All Auto action, setting all the AM8’s
inputs to Auto mode, thus extinguishing all the AM8’s front panel LED channel indicators.
16. Congratulations! You are well on your way to mastering a very powerful and sophisticated one-of-a-kind tool, which
makes some previously difficult tasks much easier and previously impossible tasks possible.
This section guides you through the setup procedure for an example application. While your needs are certainly
different and more sophisticated, the basic setup process will be the same.
This tutorial may be followed with or without the PT3 connected to your computer, however it is recommended that
you connect your PT3 if possible. Similarly, it is sometimes convenient to have your LecNet devices connected to the
PT3’s expansion connector during the setup process. Refer to INSTALLING THE HARDWARE for information on
connecting the PT3.
To test the PT3 on an AMX system it is necessary to establish serial communication with the AMX master, usually
using the terminal emulator included within AXCESS. The AMX master and touch panel need not be programmed to
follow these simple steps. In case the PT3’s current AXlink device number conflicts with another device on your
AXlink bus, it is recommended that you do not connect the AXlink cable until instructed to do so.
In this tutorial, only translations to command a single AM8 mixer at LecNet address 128 are supplied. If you don’t
have an AM8 mixer, or your AM8 mixer has a different LecNet address, you may substitute your information where
applicable, or you may simply follow the steps exactly for instructional purposes.
In order to make it as easy as possible to verify PT3 operation, the settings in this tutorial cause the LED channel
indicators on the front panel of an AM8 mixer to turn on and off. Proper functioning will thus be apparent, without the
need to connect anything to the AM8’s inputs or output.
Rio Rancho, NM – USA