Transmitteraudio trim setup, Transmitter audio trim setup – Lectrosonics D4 System User Manual
Page 9

4-channel Digital Wireless System
Rio Rancho, NM, USA
Audio Trim Setup
From the Main Window, press FUNC and then select
the menu item “Audio Trim” and press FUNC again.
The setup screen will vary slightly depending upon
which AES3 mode has been selected and whether
the 2-channel or 4-channel mode is selected. In the
2-channel mode, channels 3 and 4 will be blank.
arrows to select
menu item and
press FUNC to
enter setup
In this example, the transmitter is
configured for four analog channels. Select
each channel with the button below it and
use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to
set the desired level.
The bar graph
will indicate
When the transmitter is configured for two
digital and two analog inputs, press the
button under the analog channel to be
adjusted and then use the UP and DOWN
buttons to set the desired level.
The audio trim adjustment only applies
to analog inputs. When the transmitter
is configured for four digital channels
using the two AES/EBU inputs, no trim
adjustment is needed.
The analog inputs are designed for line level signals.
There is no gain stage in the input section. Attenua-
tion up to 20 dB can be applied to the input signal to
reduce very high level signals to the optimal range.
When the audio trim control is set to +0, input clip level
is +0dBu. When the audio trim control is set to −20,
20 dB of attenuation will be applied, thus moving the
input clip level to +20dBu. These are the extremes, and
levels in between follow the same logic.
The digital inputs can accept any standard AES/EBU
signal without the need for level adjustment. Digital
audio levels are accepted and transmitted without