LEADER LV7380 User Manual
Lv 7380, Multi sdi rasterizer, General features

2-Channel Simultaneous Display of
Waveforms, Pictures, and Vectors
LV 7380
250 mm
Supports aspect ratios of
4:3, 16:9, and 16:10.
LV 7380 connected to an external display
■ Squeeze Feature
The LV 7380 is a 1U, full rack rasterizer that displays video
signal waveforms, vectors, and pictures of HD-SDI and SD-
SDI signals on an external LCD monitor. The LV 7380 also
has a variety of other features. It has audio signal display
features that include the Lissajous and level meter displays of
embedded audio. It can display two SDI signals at the same
time. It can save screen captures to USB memory. It can
also display gamut errors over the picture. SDI signals that
are received through channel A and B can be reclocked and
transmitted from the OUTPUT A/B and OUTPUT B connectors
with a press of one of the INPUT keys.
With a factory option, it can also display eye patterns of SDI
signals. All these features are packed in a small unit that is only
250 mm deep.
■ Two Serial Digital Inputs and Outputs
The LV 7380 is equipped with two SDI inputs. This enables
the LV 7380 to receive two different SDI signals and to re-
ceive a single signal in dual link mode. The LV 7380 can also
generate a serial reclocked SDI signal for each SDI signal
that it receives.
SDI signals that are received through channel A and B can be
reclocked and transmitted from the OUTPUT A/B and OUT-
PUT B connectors with a press of one of the INPUT keys.
■ DVI-I Output
The screen image is displayed in XGA resolution (the effec-
tive resolution is 1024×768). The supported DVI-I output
signals are single-link TMDS and analog RGB.
■ Multi-Screen Display and 2-Channel Simultaneous Display
The LV 7380 has a multi-screen display that can display a
video signal waveform and a picture at the same time and a
multi-screen display that can display vectors and an audio lev-
el meter in addition to the waveform and picture. It also has a
multi-screen display that can display two SDI signals simulta-
neously. Different measurement modes can be assigned to the
four different areas of the multi-screen display. (This feature is
not available for the 2-channel simultaneous display.)
■ CINELITE II (CINELITE feature and Leader's patented CI-
NEZONE feature)*1
The LV 7380 comes standard-equipped with CINELITE II
(CINELITE and CINEZONE), which is a video signal lumi-
nance information analysis tool.
■ Picture Display
The LV 7380 uses fully digital waveform display process-
ing to achieve high precision and versatility. The display
has a number of adjustment features such as brightness
adjustment, contrast adjustment, gain adjustment, bias ad-
justment, and aperture adjustment. It also has monochrome,
chroma up, gamut error, and safety marker display features.
The LV 7380 is also standard-equipped with CINELITE II, a
convenient tool for adjusting the lighting during fi lming.
■ Waveform Display
The video signal waveform display has gain, sweep, and
cursor measurement features, along with RGB and pseudo-
composite display features. In addition to video signal
waveforms, the LV 7380 can also display vectors and dis-
play the Lissajous curves of embedded audio.
■ 5 Bar Display
The 5 bar display enables the simultaneous monitoring of
component and composite gamut.
■ Status Display
The status display can display the SDI signal's error count
and error log, a data dump, and the phase difference be-
tween an external sync signal (a tri-level sync signal or an
NTSC or PAL black burst signal) and the SDI signal.
■ Time Code Display
LTC or VITC time codes can be displayed.
■ Screen Capture
The display can be captured and stored as image data. Not
only can captured data be displayed by the LV 7380, but it
can also be compared with an input signal or saved to USB
memory as bitmap data. The saved bitmap data can then be
viewed on a PC.
■ Error Detection
SDI signal errors, such as HD-SDI signal CRC errors and
SD-SDI signal EDH errors, and various errors related to em-
bedded audio signals and ancillary data can be detected.
■ ANC Data Analysis
Various ancillary data can be analyzed, and the results can
be displayed.
■ ID Display
IDs can be assigned to input channels. IDs are entered from
the LV 7380 panel.
■ Equivalent Cable Length Measurement Feature
The LV 7380 converts the SDI signal attenuation to a cable
length and displays the result.
■ Closed Caption Data Display
The LV 7380 can display the closed caption data embedded
in an SDI signal over the picture display. It can analyze and
display status and control information.
1) CEA/EIA-608-B closed caption data in CDP packets that
are defi ned by EIA-708-B
2) CEA/EIA-608-B closed caption data
3) VBI (CEA/EIA-608-B line 21) closed caption data
■ Display Mode Switch Keys ■ Audio ■ Presets
■ Last Memory ■ External Remote Connector ■ Key Lock
■ Shortcut Keys ■ Ethernet Port
*1 CINELITE is a registered trademark of LEADER ELECTRONICS CORP.