Step 1-mounting the unit, Step 2-cabling using aas 24-xxx master – Controlled Products Systems Group 12-000I User Manual
Page 4
Page 4 American Access Systems / Security Brands, Inc.
SteP 1-moUntinG the Unit
mounting the unit to your own pedestal
Your unit comes with a square mounting flange found in the bottom of the box along with four carriage bolts and four
hex nuts. The square mounting flange may be welded to your pedestal and the flange bolt pattern will align with the
back of the unit. Place the unit up to the flange and insert the carriage bolts from the back side. Secure the unit to
the flange by tightening down the hex nuts with a 7/16” socket.
mounting the unit to an AAS gooseneck (18001) or double height (18003)pedestal
Locate the four carriage bolts and four hex nuts found inside the unit box. Place the unit up to the pedestal flange
and insert the four carriage bolts from the backside. Secure the unit to the pedestal using the four hex nuts and a
7/16” socket. The extra square mounting flange may be discarded.
SteP 2-CAbLinG USinG AAS 24-XXX mASteR
CAbLe tYPe: 6 ConDUCtoR tWiSteD FoiL ShieLDeD
(22 guage beLDen #9942)
mAX DiStAnCe:
500 Feet
Run 6 conductor twisted foil shielded cable between the 12-000 SLAVE and 24-100(i), 24-500(i), 24-1000(i), or 24-2000(i)
MASTER. Keep the cable separated from high voltage 6” for every 110 volts. Connect the six conductor cable to the
Master Keypad Terminal Board and 12-000 Harness. Refer to the Master keypad instructions for Weigand Color Codes.