Troubleshooting – Controlled Products Systems Group 7200ETL-IL User Manual
Page 21

Activating the system: A momentary connection between activation inputs and ground
(GND) is how the system is activated. At the upper left and bottom right of the board
are terminals marked INP or INPUT. These terminals - when momentarily shorted to
ground (GND) - will open, stop and close the gate with each activation. The button on
the side of the box (swing gates ONLY) is connected to these terminals and may be
used to activate the gate when the key is in the horizontal position. On our newest
boards there is an “OPERATE” button at the upper left area of the board that may be
used in the same manner.
HARD SHUTDOWN: If the system has encountered an obstruction two times before
fully opening or closing – the HARD SHUTDOWN LED (upper right of board) will be-
gin flashing – indicating a Hard Shutdown situation. Check to see that any obstruc-
tions are removed from the gates path and then press the “HARD SHUTDOWN RE-
SET” button to restart the system.
Left Hand / Right Hand Operation: All APOLLO Slide Gates are shipped from the fac-
tory wired to close to the left (when looking out of the property). It is suggested to in-
stall and adjust the operator as it comes from the factory – then re-wire the system if
necessary. The easiest way to determine if your system requires re-wiring is to use
the LED Enable button. Once the LEDs are enabled, the OPEN LIMIT light should
come on in the open position and the CLOSED LIMIT light should come on when the
gate is closed. Should these be backwards – make the following changes: From the
MASTER plug – there are five wires going to a terminal strip… Reverse the RED with
the BLACK - and – reverse the ORANGE with the WHITE. To verify that the wiring
has been changed correctly: Manually move the gate to the mid-way position and plug
the main harness into the EMERGENCY BYPASS receptacle – the gate should
OPEN. If it closes – the RED and BLACK motor wires must be reversed. Once it is
verified that the EMERGENCY BYPASS does open the gate – then check the limit
switch wiring. Dis-engage the mechanical release and open the gate fully – verify the
OPEN LIMIT led is on. Close the gate fully – verify the CLOSED LIMIT led. If the limits
are backwards – reverse the ORANGE and WHITE limit wires.
Dual Gate Systems: Test dual gate systems individually. Turn program switch #3 ON
(disables SLAVE side of board) and test actuators one at a time using MASTER side
of board only. Confirm proper operation of each actuator. If both test 100% - then test
together by connecting both actuators and turning program switch #3 to the OFF posi-
EMERGENCY BYPASS: At the bottom left of the board is the EMERGENCY BYPASS
receptacle. Plugging the operator harness into this receptacle will OPEN the gate
ONLY! It is intended to open the gate(s) should other methods fail. Note that if the mo-
tor draws more than 15 amps of current the fuse above the receptacle will blow. Also,
the gate operator will not stop by its self at the open position. The plug must be re-
moved to stop the gate. (This is also a handy way to test that the current consumption
of the motor is within the normal limits)
FIRMWARE: In the upper right area of the board there is a micro-processor that has a
white label on it. This is the “FIRMWARE” of the system. Currently (May 2005) we are
using firmware version V31.00.02. For troubleshooting versions of the firmware earlier
then V31.00.00 consult your original instructions that were included with your system.
Systems that are out of warranty may be upgraded to newer version firmware for a
nominal fee.