Jungheinrich IPC User Manual
Compact storage shuttle system

The Jungheinrich Compact Storage Shut-
tle System with IPC (In Pallet Carrier) –
consisting of carrier, carrier truck and
channel racking – gives high utilisation of
storage space. IPC racking provides room
in height and width for several pallet
channels. The low height utilisation per
channel level and the low first level also
give optimal use of the available storage
height. Any Jungheinrich stacker with an
FEM fork carriage, sufficient residual ca-
pacity and sideshift can be used as carrier
The IPC is particularly effective when fre-
quent changes of channels take place,
such as required for making different arti-
cles available for runs in distribution ware-
houses. The IPC is connected to the carrier
truck with a special coupling and picks up
pallets with its forks. It travels independ-
ently in the pallet channel without being
connected to the carrier truck. When used
in the channel – with or without load –
the active locking of carrier to stacker is
deactivated. After pressing the start but-
ton on the operating console, the process
control carries out all travel and lift move-
ments independently. Sensors recognise
the position of stored pallets. There is
therefore no danger of collision when
stacking and retrieving new pallets.
Operating terminal and process control
communicate via two way radio link run on
the registration-free ISM band (433 MHz).
After returning to the channel start, the
carrier is again picked up by the stacker
and the locking is activated ready for a
new work cycle. The effective monitoring
of coupling to stacker ensures maximum
In Pallet Carrier IPC
Compact Storage Shuttle System
High productivity with frequent
channel change
Collision-free pallet stacking
and retrieval
Total system flexibility with
the ability to handle different
pallet types
Optimum warehouse space
utilisation through low
racking compartment height
Operational with virtually any
type of Jungheinrich truck
1402_IPC_GB.indd 1
1402_IPC_GB.indd 1
26.08.2010 11:21:36 Uhr
26.08.2010 11:21:36 Uhr