Adcom GTP-760 User Manual
Page 18

Video Processor On/Off Switch
This switch controls a “video loop” that enables the GTP-760 to function with a separate
video processor.
For conventional home theater systems, make sure the “video processor on/off” switch is in the OFF
position. When using a separate video processor, place this switch in the ON position.
Remote Control Connections
Infrared Repeater: These mini-jack outputs transfer command codes received from either the IR
mini-jack or remote sensor extension inputs to an IR repeater located close to other
system components. IR signals received at the GTP-760’s front panel IR receptor are
NOT available at the infrared repeater outputs.
Remote Sensor Extension Inputs: These inputs receive signals from ADCOM’s XR500II and
SPM500II remote control sensors.
IR (Infrared) Input: This input accepts modulated IR commands from industry standard IR
controllers via a mono mini-plug connector.
Preamplifier Outputs
These are the GTP-760’s main outputs. Connect each to the proper amplifier or amplifier channel
as follows:
1) Connect the white-center RCA output marked “front L(eft)” to the amplifier channel
designated for the left front loudspeaker.
2) Connect the red-center RCA output marked “front R(ight)” to the amplifier input designated
for the right front loudspeaker.
3) Connect the white-center RCA output marked “rear L(eft)” to the amplifier input designated
for the left rear loudspeaker.
4) Connect the red-center RCA output marked “rear R(ight)” to the amplifier input designated
for the right rear loudspeaker.
5) Connect the black-center RCA output marked “center” to the amplifier input designated for
the center channel loudspeaker.
6) Connect the black-center RCA output marked “subwoofer” to the amplifier input
(in most cases, the line-level input of a powered subwoofer) designated for
the subwoofer.
Note: There are two subwoofer outputs (1 & 2.) They are in parallel (i.e., each produces an
identical signal) and may be used interchangeably. We’ve included these outputs to make it
easier to add a second subwoofer, if desired. Alternatively, you can connect the LEFT and
RIGHT channel RCA jacks to a single subwoofer.
r e m o t e s e n s o r
e x t e n s i o n
I R r e p e a t e r
I R i n p u t
s u b w o o f e r
r e a r
c e n t e r
f r o n t
p r e a m p o u t p u t s