Adcom GTP-760 User Manual
Page 16

Tape Inputs and Outputs:
These connections are designed for a cassette deck
or any other audio recording device with line-level
analog inputs and outputs.
Follow these instructions:
1) Connect the recorder’s left channel analog audio output to the GTP-760’s white
“tape in” jack.
2) Connect the recorder’s right channel analog audio output to the red “tape in” jack.
3) Connect the recorder’s left channel analog audio input to the GTP-760’s white
“tape out” jack.
4) Connect the recorder’s right channel analog audio input to the red “tape out” jack.
Standard (Composite) Video Monitor Outputs:
Connect the main monitor or display device to the yellow-center RCA jack
under the “standard monitor 1” label. You may use the “standard monitor 2”
jack for another monitor if desired. Properly connected, either monitor will
then display an image from a video source or on-screen menu information
when appropriate.
CD Inputs:
These line-level analog inputs allow easy connection of a CD player (or other two channel
analog audio source.)
Follow these instructions:
1) Connect the CD player’s left channel analog audio output to the GTP-760’s white
“CD in” jack.
2) Connect the CD player’s right channel analog audio output to the red “CD in” jack.
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t a p e
s t a n d a r d m o n i t o r