Adcom GTP-760 User Manual

Page 13

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Video) to the appropriate “dig.2 in” jack.

Digital 2 in: This input is recommended for an audio/video source (DSS receiver, etc.) with a

TOSlink (optical) digital output.

Remember that the composite video connection will go to the yellow-center RCA jack
immediately under the “dig.2 in” label.

Connect the source’s TOSlink (optical) digital output to the GTP-760’s TOSlink socket located
under the “dig.2 in” label.

Digital 1 in (RF): We recommend this input for laserdisc players with a digital RF output.

It is the only input on the GTP-760 equipped with the RF demodulator needed to process a
laserdisc’s Dolby Digital encoded soundtrack.

Connections follow the same pattern detailed in “DVD in” and “Dig.2 in” above. Connect the
laserdisc player’s composite video output to the yellow-center RCA jack immediately under the
“dig.1” label. Then connect the player’s coaxial digital output to the black-center RCA jack
under the “dig.1 in” label.


Digital 1 RF Demodulator (bypass) Switch
(see illustration on preceding page)

This switch adds flexibility to the GTP-760. If you play laserdiscs with Dolby Digital-encoded
soundtracks, put this switch in the IN position. This places the demodulator circuit in the signal
path and allows proper Dolby Digital decoding.

If you do not have a laserdisc player with a digital RF output, place the switch in the OUT
position. You can then use this input in exactly the same way as you would use the DVD input.


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d i g i t a l 2

d i g i t a l 1


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i n

i n

o u t

d i g i t a l 2

d i g i t a l 1

d i g 1 R F

d e m o d u l a t o r

S t a n d a r d

v i d e o

i n


1 2 V

t r i g g e r o u t



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