Castle Equalizer Edgebander User Manual
Page 6

Mount the Wheel Cage on the Outriggers. They should be mirror images of each other, left
and right.
Remove the Band Reel from the shipping position. Use the Allen wrench provided to
remove the collar from the shaft. Put the long end of the shaft into the cutout location in the
front bottom center of the machine. It should go all the way through to the rear cutout.
Place the collar on the shaft protruding through the back of the machine and tighten.
Check the action of the Band Reel by grasping the Spokes of the Tape Reel and the Spool
Cover and rotate them back and forth in opposite directions.
Install air supply at the rear of the machine, making sure that the machine is receiving a
minimum of 80 PSI from the compressor. The gauge inside the machine DOES NOT
reflect the PSI coming into the machine.
The Regulator closest to the front of the machine sets how much air is sent through the
pressure sensing tube. The gauge next to it should read between 5 and 15 PSI. The
Regulator closest to the Rear Door of the machine should be set at six full turns to the right
after being completely off (all the way to the left). Both of these Regulators are set at the
factory and should NOT BE CHANGED.