Glossary – Carolina Mammal Heart Dissection Guide User Manual
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10. Refer to the dissected mammal heart image again. Make an incision through the left ventricle inferior to
the interventricular groove. Remove the lower front portion of the wall. Observe the size of the left
ventricle in relation to the right ventricle. Observe the muscular interventricular septum that divides the
two chambers.
11. Observe the bicuspid valve supported by chordae tendinae and papillary muscles.
12. Using a probe, trace the pathway of blood from the left ventricle through the semilunar valve to the
aorta. Repeat this action for the right ventricle, tracing the pathway from the ventricle through the
pulmonic semilunar valve to the pulmonary trunk.
13. Once you have observed all the structures of the heart, dispose of the specimen in accordance with local
guidelines and your teacher’s instructions.
Aorta - large artery that emerges from the left ventricle; carries blood to the systemic circuit.
Apex - pointed end of the heart consisting of muscle from the left ventricle.
Artery - blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
Atrium - one of the two upper chambers of the heart which receive blood.
Auricle - ear-like flap made up of muscle from the atria.
Base - point of attachment for blood vessels entering and exiting the heart.
Bicuspid valve - atrioventricular valve between the left atrium and ventricle; also called the mitral valve.
Brachiocephalic trunk - branch of the aorta which splits apart to form the right subclavian artery and right
common carotid artery.
Chordae tendinae - fibrous cords that connect bicuspid and tricuspid valves with papillary muscles; also
referred to as the “heart strings.”
Coronary artery - artery leading from the aorta that supplies blood to the heart muscle.
Inferior vena cava - large vein that returns blood from the lower body regions to the right atrium.
Interventricular septum - muscular wall between the right and left ventricles.
Papillary muscles - muscles anchoring the chordae tendinae to the valves.
Semilunar valve - valve between the aorta and left ventricle, and between the pulmonary trunk and right
Superior vena cava - large vein that returns blood from the upper regions of the body to the right atrium.
Trabeculae carneae - ridges and folds on the walls of the ventricles.
Tricuspid valve - atrioventricular valve between the right atrium and right ventricle.
Vein - blood vessel that returns blood to the heart.
Ventricle - one of the two lower chambers of the heart which force blood into either the aorta or the
pulmonary arteries.
T e a c h e r ’ s M a n u a l