Carolina Wisconsin Fast Plants Student Kit User Manual
Carolina, Carolina biological supply company, Wisconsin fast plants

The Wisconsin Fast Plants™ student kit growing system differs from the classroom growing system. This
sheet outlines the procedure for assembly of your student kit and replaces the assembly instructions found
on pages 25 and 26 of the Growing Instructions.
1. Always begin a planting cycle on a Monday or Tuesday. This allows three consecutive school days for
watering from above.
2. The student kit watering system is made up
of two pieces: a circular felt platform mat and
a rectangular mat that draws water from the
reservoir. Wet the two pieces thoroughly by
soaking them in 500 mL of water to which several
drops of liquid detergent has been added.
Squeeze the water out of the mats and repeat
the soaking process two more times. Leave
the mats saturated after the last soaking. Fill
the reservoir three-fourths full of water
(without any detergent). Place one anti-algal
square in the reservoir water. Insert the
rectangular mat into the hole in the lid of the reservoir. Place
the lid on the reservoir and make sure the rectangular mat reaches
the bottom. Place the circular mat onto the platform over the rectangular mat.
3. Slightly moisten the potting mix with water.
4. Push one blue, diamond-shaped wick into each cell (plastic vial) so
the tip extends 1 cm through the hole in the bottom.
5. Fill each cell half full with potting mix.
6. Add two to three fertilizer pellets to each cell.
7. Add more potting mix to fill each cell to the top; do not pack. Use
your finger to make a small depression in the potting mix in each cell.
8. Drop 2 to 4 seeds into each depression.
9. Cover the seeds with just enough potting mix so they are no longer
10. Student kit vials are color-coded for identification. Labels may be
written directly on the vials with a waterproof pen, or the vials may
be labeled with the plant labels (plastic stakes) provided in the
student kit.
11. To provide stability, use rubber bands to connect all the vials or
groups of vials.
12. With a pipet, water gently until water drips from each wick. Place the vials on the water mat. The tops of
the vials should be no more than 10 cm away from the bulbs of the light bank.
Wisconsin Fast Plants
Student Kit Instructions
Teamed with Teachers
Carolina Biological Supply Company
2700 York Road,
Burlington, North Carolina 27215