Schreiber Chillers 50ACsf User Manual

Page 25

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Servicing refrigeration and air conditioning systems can be dangerous, and extreme
caution in all respects should be exercised by the personnel servicing such equipment.

The precautions discussed in this bulletin deal only with those dangers associated with


1. There are no lubrication points on the chiller. All motors have permanent lubrication

in the bearings.

2. The water that is used in the chilled water circuit has no special requirements,

except that deionized water cannot be used. The water should be clean and some
type of water conditioner can be used. Nothing should be used in the chilled water
circuit that could damage the all copper Heat Exchanger. THIS INCLUDES THE

3. The air-cooled condenser should be cleaned on a regular basis, depending on the

environment the chiller is installed in.

4. The water level should be maintained as close to the level as marked on the water

sight glass. You cannot damage the refrigeration system by the water being at a
low level, it will only effect the efficiency of the unit.

5. Caution: The compressor receivers and water pump could be hot enough to injure

one touching these components.

6. The dial thermometer is reading the temperature of the discharge chilled water.

7. Please

note: This is a hermetically sealed compressor. There are no necessary

maintenance requirements. Please read the service bulletins before making any


This unit has attached a brush for cleaning the condenser. The cleaning of
the condenser becomes necessary as the condenser becomes clogged
with a foreign matter. How often you clean it depends on atmosphere it is
installed in. We suggest that when it becomes necessary to clean the
condenser you use the brush we shipped with the unit. To clean the
condenser it is necessary to remove the access panel, you remove this
panel by lifting up on the panel and pulling it out at the bottom. When this
panel is removed you can brush away all the foreign matter. You must
always put this access panel back in place or the unit could cut out on
high head pressure. CAUTION: The fins on this condenser coil can be
bent very easily. If you use another type of brush make sure it is soft
enough to not damage the condenser.