Lexibook JC700SPGB User Manual
Page 8

Press SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT to jump to the first/last unlocked hero.
Press SHIFT + DOWN to jump to the character’s biography.
Press SHIFT + UP to jump to the character’s name and picture.
Activity 81: Follow Me
You can choose among 9 melodies numbered from 1 to 9 in the lower right hand side of the
screen. Select a number by using the left and right keys, and press ENTER to confirm. The
computer starts to play the first musical note. Play again this note by pressing the correct
key. Then the computer will play again the same note and add another one.
You must now play again those two notes and continue the same way until the end of the melody. This is a one level,
one player game.
Activity 82: Composer
Play and compose your own melody. Musical notes are located on the keys numbered 0 to 9. Your Power Spider-Man
can memorize up to 50 musical notes. To save your melody, press ENTER before you begin to play.
To play-back your melody, press the RIGHT key.
To stop the play-back, press the SPACE key.
To save another melody, proceed the same way: your new melody will replace the previous one in the memory of the
Activity 83: Sound Box
Listen to 21 different sound effects by selecting them within the list displayed on the screen. Use the UP and DOWN
keys to scroll the list and press ENTER to select one sound effect.
Activity 84: Drawing
Draw on the screen by moving the paintbrush using the direction keys. To start drawing, press ENTER. When you want
to stop drawing press again the ENTER key (the paint brush will blink indicating that you can move it without colouring).
You can then relocate your paintbrush somewhere else on your screen. You can also choose between 4 colours to mix:
black (press 1), dark grey (press 2), light grey (press 3) and white (press 4). To erase a line on your drawing: locate the
paintbrush on the line you want to erase and press . To invert the background colour of your drawing press
the key.
Activity 85: Graphics
Select a screen background among the available pictures. Select a picture using the LEFT & RIGHT keys and press
ENTER to confirm your choice. Then, a paintbrush, similar to the one in the previous activity (activity 84, Drawing)
appears. You can modify the picture using the same instructions as for the activity « Drawing ».
You can press the SPACE bar at anytime to delete your modifications.
Activity 86: Skins
To personalize your Power Spider-Man, you can change the outlook of your main menu in 3 different ways. Use the
UP/DOWN keys and then ENTER to select a background image.
Activity 87: Settings
Modify the contrast and volume of your Power Spider-Man. Use the UP/DOWN keys to toggle between contrast and
volume, and then the LEFT (increase)/ RIGHT (decrease) keys to adjust the settings.
Activity 88: Transitions
You can choose among 6 different transition modes; in other word, the way the sub-menus, the main menu, the activities
will appear. Use the UP/DOWN keys and then ENTER to select a transition mode.
Activity 89: Screensaver
Your screensaver will appear after 60 seconds of no activity. You can increase this time to 120 seconds or even delete
it. There are 3 screensavers to choose from: the demo, type A and type B. Use the UP/DOWN keys and then ENTER
to select a screensaver.
Marvel Trump
Press the MARVEL TRUMP key to enter Marvel Trump game. The computer “deals” 6
random characters to each player 1 and computer or player 2. Remember that only
characters that are already unlocked in the Marvel encyclopaedia can be used in
Marvel Trump.
The cards are dealt in a random order. That means the player and the computer have a
“virtual” stack of cards and after the cards are dealt the order of the cards inside the stack
is fixed. Only the card on top is available for playing.
If Marvel Trump has just been entered then player 1 has the first call, otherwise the winner of the last game has the first
Then the screen shows the character’s name, picture and statistics similarly to the display in the Marvel Database. Use
the UP/DOWN keys to scroll through the information. The statistical information displays 6 criteria for each character:
intelligence, strength, speed, durability, energy projection, and fighting skills. Each criterion is evaluated from 1 to 7, 7
being the highest.
The purpose of the game is to guess which of your character’s criteria can beat the same criteria of your
opponent’s character. Select the criteria using the UP/DOWN keys and confirm with ENTER.
After pressing ENTER, your opponent’s character will be shown and a one-on-on battle will begin.
The computer compares the values of the 2 characters’ criteria and the character with the highest value wins. The card
of the losing character goes to the winner’s stack of cards. It is put to the bottom of the stack of cards together with the
card that the winner played.
Then, a screen indicates the number of cards each player has.
If the value of the two characters’ criterion is equal; there is a draw. None of the two players gets the 2 cards. They can
be won in the next round and are “put aside” for the moment. The player who called the values during the draw calls the
next value. The player who wins this fight gets 4 cards. If there is another draw in this round, the players fight for 6 cards
and so on.
In case both players end up with 0 cards (only possible if both player have 6 cards on hand and then play a draw 6 times
in a row) then a new game starts.
Win the game by getting all of your opponent’s cards.