Lexibook JC700SPGB User Manual

Page 6

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Move the cursor below the pawn that you wish to play. Press ENTER to confirm your choice. Then, move the cursor
below the case where you want to place the pawn and press ENTER.

In 2 Players mode, Player 1 uses Left / Right keys of the keyboard and Player 2 uses Up / Down keys to move his pawns.
Each player must press ENTER to confirm his move. While you can play with another player, there is only one level.

Activity 71: Eliminator

The purpose of the game is to eliminate all objects displayed on the screen.
You can choose among 30 possible grids, numbered from 0 to 29 in the upper right hand side
of the screen. Use the Left/Right keys to select a grid, and press ENTER to start a game. To
delete the objects, you must move them in the grid so that at least two identical objects are
aligned on a same horizontal or vertical line. When 2 identical objects are aligned, they
destroy each other.

Use the Left, Right, Up and Down arrows to move the objects. All objects of the grid move at the same time, in the
selected direction, until they bump into an obstacle. In some grids, mobile obstacles also move with the objects.

Beware that you can only use a limited number of attempts, as indicated in the lower right hand side of the screen. The
game is finished when all objects have been eliminated (you win the game), or when you cannot eliminate any object
anymore (game is lost then), or when there is only one object left. In this case, it is impossible to eliminate it and the
game is lost. This is a one level, one player game.

Activity 72: DNA

This game allows you to test your agility and speed. You must select the 3 missing parts that allow you to re-create the
DNA molecule that is moving fast towards the left hand side, before it reaches the edge of your screen.
To change the 3 parts of the DNA molecule, respectively use the following keys:


UP :

To select the upper part.



To select the centre part.



To select the lower part.

Each set has 10 different games. Your score is displayed after the tenth game. This game has 2 levels and can be
played with another player.

Activity 73: Mancala

The purpose of the game is to move all the grains located in the cases on the lower part of the screen towards your
bonus case located on the right hand side, in the centre of the screen. In this activity, you play against the computer.
The computer moves the grains located on the upper part of the screen towards its bonus case located on the left hand
side, in the centre of the screen.

At the beginning of a game, all the cases have 4 grains each, except the two bonus cases

which have no grain. The game is played counter clockwise. To start a game, select a case

with grains in your raw on the lower part of the screen. Use the Left/Right keys (in 2 Players

mode, the second player must use the Up/Down keys to choose his case). Press ENTER to

confirm your choice.

Activity 67: Towers

Some disks are piled up onto an axis and create a pyramid. To win a game, you must move all
disks from the first axis on the left to the last axis on the right. You can only move one disk at a
time and it must always have a smaller size than the one on top of which this disk will be placed.

Only 3 disks are piled up at the beginning of the game. The number of disks can reach up to 6.
Use the Left / Right keys to select the disk that you wish to move. Press ENTER to confirm your choice. Then use the
Left / Right keys to select the axis on which you wish to move your disk. Press ENTER: the disk that you had selected
has been moved to the axis of your choice. Proceed the same way for all disks until you have rebuilt a pyramid on the
last right hand side axis.

Note: You have the possibility to place all disks back on the first axis by pressing the key. This is a one level, one
player game.

Activity 68: Secret code

The game has chosen a secret code. This code is represented by 4 dashes. Discover the 4 numbers of the secret code.
Type your proposal and press ENTER. The computer indicates you on the right side of the screen if the numbers belong
to the code, by using the following symbols:

- The empty circle means that number belongs to the code but is wrong located.

- The full black circle means that the number belongs to the code and is correctly located.

- The cross (x) means that the number does not belong to the

secret code.

You have 10 attempts. If after the tenth attempt you have not yet found the secret code, the computer will display the
correct answer. This is a one level, one player game.

Activity 69: Power 4

Place 4 pawns in line horizontally, vertically or diagonally. In this activity, you play against the
computer in 1 Player mode. All your attempts appear in the grid and are displayed with a circle.
The attempts played by the computer are displayed with a rectangle.

Move the cursor to the column of your choice and press ENTER to start playing. Proceed the same way to play all other
attempts. Your score and your opponent’s score are displayed after each game.
The first player achieving this goal wins the game. The loser of the current game starts the next one. If it is a draw then
the player who started the current game starts the next one.

In 2 Players mode : Player 1 uses the Left / Right keys of the keyboard and Player 2 uses Up / Down keys to move his
pawns. Each player must press ENTER to confirm his move. While you can play with another player, there is only one

Activity 70: Coins

A horizontal grid appears with a certain number of pawns. In this activity you play against the computer in Level 1. The
purpose of the game is to move all the pawns to the left hand side. When all pawns are aligned on the left, you cannot
move any more pawn. The last one to move a pawn wins. The loser is the player who cannot move any more pawn. The
size of the grid and the number of pawns increase after each game.

Rules to follow :


Two pawns cannot be on the same case.


No pawn can jump over another pawn.


The pawns can only be moved to the left and of as many cases as you want.