Lexibook JC700SPGB User Manual

Page 2

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1 & 2 Players Modes

Most of the activities can be played in 2 Player Mode. The default mode for all activities is Player 1. To change the
number of players, press MODE. The icon 1 or 2 players will be displayed. Use the left and right arrows to select the
correct icon and press ENTER.

In 2 player mode, the players must answer one after another. When one of the players gives a wrong answer, the other
player can answer the same question. When you answer your opponent’s question, you obtain 50 points. Each game
has 10 questions (5 questions per player).

1 player

2 players

Difficulty level

Most of the activities have two levels of difficulty. To change the level, press the LEVEL button, then use the left and right
arrows to select the correct icon and press ENTER.

Level 1

Level 2

The Scoring System

A. Point system

The player has 2 attempts to answer a question correctly.
A correct answer on the first attempt scores 100 points. If the first answer is wrong, then the question is displayed again.
If the question is then answered correctly on the second attempt, 50 points are added to the score. If the second answer
is also wrong the unit displays the correct answer and no points are added to the score.

B. Reward system

Your Power Spider-Man features 36 Marvel characters in total. You can browse through the encyclopaedia to learn
more about them, and you will use them in the Marvel Trump game. However, when you first use your computer, you
can only use 12 characters out of the 36 as 12 characters are unlocked and the rest are locked. The status of the charac-
ters will be displayed in the encyclopaedia or Marvel Trump game. To unlock the rest of the characters, you must play
the activities and answer correctly.
By answering correctly, you will fill up a power bar which will be shown in the scoring animation. When the power bar is
full a new Marvel character will be unlocked.

The power bar contains 30 units. In level 1, 100 points will fill up the power bar by 1
unit, so per game round the bar can be filled with 10 units maximum.
In level 2, 50 points will fill up the power bar 1 unit, so per game round the bar can
be filled with 20 units maximum.

In level 1, if a question is answered on the 2nd try, only 50 points are scored.
You then need to get another 50 points within this game round to have the full 100




Name of the key

Directional arrows (left, right, up and


Enter key

ESC key

Space key

Demo key

On/Off key (oval shaped red key on

the upper middle part of the keboard)

Delete key

Mode key

Answer key

Favourites key

Shift key

Level key

Marvel Trump key


To move the cursor

To confirm your choices or answers

To exit an activity, a sub-menu or a window

To insert a space between two characters.

To start a short demonstration of the current activity

To switch the computer on/off

To delete the letter or the number that you have just typed.

To switch from 1 Player Mode to 2 Players mode.

To display the answer to a question.

To add a favourite activity or to enter the favourites menu.

To type a capital letter or to access the character located on

top of a key. You must simultaneously press this key and the

key of the letter that you wish to type.

To change from Level 1 to Level 2 or vice versa.

To enter the Marvel Trump game.