Lexibook JC700SPGB User Manual
Page 4

Activity 4: Extra letter
You must correct the word in which one letter has been added.
Use the hammer located above the word to delete this letter. You can move the hammer from left to right. When it is
correctly located above the letter that you wish to delete, press ENTER and the hammer will crash this letter. If you
destroy the correct letter, the two parts of the word will join to form the correct word.
Activity 5: Hangman
The game selects a word and displays some dashes corresponding to the number of letters of
that word.
Propose some letters to guess the word selected by the game. Type the letter (you do not need
to press ENTER). If your letter belongs to the word, this letter will appear inside the word. The
game continues until you guess the correct word or until you have proposed 10 wrong letters.
Spider-Man and a villain appear in the centre of the screen. When you get a letter right, Spider-Man will strike Doctor
Octopus, and when you type a letter that does not belong to the word, Doctor Octopus will hit Spider-Man.
Score: you can obtain a maximum of 100 points per word if you do not do any mistake. Otherwise, 10 points are
deducted for each wrong letter.
Activity 6: ABC
According to the selected level (1 or 2), 3 or 5 letters will respectively be displayed in the wrong order. The purpose of
the game is to place all letters in alphabetical order. Select the first letter and press ENTER. The letter will move on the
below line. Proceed the same way for the other letters. Once you have selected all letters, this will count as one attempt.
Activity 7: Blaster
Type the letter flying down the screen before it reaches the bottom. If the letter reaches the
bottom of your screen, you lose 1 life. At the beginning of the game, you have 4 lives, shown
on the left side of your screen.
Every correctly typed letter adds 20 points to the score while if the player types a wrong letter
20 points are deducted (a negative total score is not possible). The player reaches a score of
1000 then the game round is over.
All the math activities have 2 difficulty levels and can be played with another player. Keep in mind that you have two
attempts to answer a question correctly.
Activity 8: Math +
Calculate the result of the addition, type it from right to left and press ENTER.
Activity 9: Math -
Calculate the result of the subtraction, type it from right to left and press ENTER.
Activity 10: Math x
Calculate the result of the multiplication, type it from right to left and press ENTER.
Activity 11: Math ÷
Calculate the result of the division, type it from right to left and press ENTER.
Activity 12: Operator
Find the mathematical sign that allows you to verify the displayed operation. Scroll the
different signs by using the Up and Down keys, press ENTER to confirm your choice.
Activity 13: Missing Number
Find the value of the unknown number in the equation displayed and press ENTER.
Activity 14: Chain
Solve mentally the chain operation which is displayed, type the result and press ENTER.
In the example on the right, first count 1 + 4 which equals 5. Then calculate 5 – 0 which
equals 5. Finally calculate 5 + 9 which equals 14. This is the final answer.
Activity 15: Comparator
Find the comparison sign to be placed between two operations « < » (inferior), « > »
(superior) or « = » (equal) , and press ENTER to confirm your choice.
Activity 16: Combinator
The game displays three operations not completed and in the wrong order. You must
build a correct operation by choosing a first number, a second number and a result among
the 3 proposals.
The cursor shows the first number of the first line. Use the direction keys or the mouse to
choose the first number of the operation, then press ENTER. The selected number is
displayed at the bottom of the screen. Proceed the same way for the second number and the result.
In Level 1, the game will propose you to rebuild an addition or a subtraction. In Level 2, you need to rebuild a subtraction
or a multiplication.
There are 5 foreign languages to learn: French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese.
Activity 17: Which Language?
Guess in which language the computer is speaking and select a language among the list. This activity has only one level
and a single player.