Bird B Gone Bird NET 2000 Netting User Manual
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Straining Wire/Cable & Ferrules
Once you have installed the corner and intermediate attachments, it is time to run your
straining wire. Straining wire (or Cable) is available in either galvanized or stainless steel.
Stainless cable (and hardware) is primarily used in areas that are near the ocean. Most
installations will take galvanized wire and hardware.
Ferrules are used at the first corner attachment and then later at the turnbuckle.
A. Run two copper ferrules through the end of the cable.
B. Loop the cable through the first corner attachment and back through the ferrules.
C. Secure/ crimp the ferrules to lock cable into place with a ratchet crimper. This will create
a strong loop.
D. Run cable through all intermediate attachments and finally through the turnbuckle at the
end of the cable run.
E. Repeat Step #C (i.e. loop and crimp cable through turnbuckle.) See Section III for
correct method on installing turnbuckles.
Turnbuckles are available in galvanized or stainless steel (medium or large). Turnbuckles
must be well anchored since they are exerting a great deal of tension on the cable/ straining
A. Medium turnbuckles are designed for cables up to 75 feet.
B. Large turnbuckles are designed for cable s 75 feet and above.
C. Installation:
1. Make sure to open the turnbuckle all the way.
2. Pull the cables as tight as possible through the turnbuckle before the loop is
finally crimped. Take up as much tension as possible before crimping!!!
3. Tighten turnbuckle using a screwdriver, etc.
4. Be careful not to pull out your fasteners/ eyehooks when tightening the cable via
the turnbuckle.
Hog Rings
Netting is attached to the straining wire/ cable with hog rings (using a Hog Ring Tool).
Similar to a stapler, the Hog Ring Tool holds a cartridge of approx. 50 hog rings.
A. Hog Ring one loop per square for 2” net. ¾” net may suffice with every square,
depending on the installation and pest bird problem.
This is a general installation overview. More complicated installations may require
additional hardware and / or other products. When you need advice or help, remember to call
the BirdBGone Toll Free Hot Line for Advice / Assistance.