Bird B Gone Bird NET 2000 Netting User Manual

Bird net 2000

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For roofs and open areas such as warehouses, loading docks, airline hangers, and

other exposed enclosures.

Bird Pressure:

All (see Bird Type)

Bird Type:

2” Net: Pigeon, Seagulls and Larger Birds.

¾” Net: All Types including Small Birds such as Sparrows, Starlings, etc.


Bird net 2000 is the most efficient and effective method to prevent birds from

entering parking garages, airline hangers, warehouses, loading docks, attics, eves, courtyards and other

Exposed enclosures. Bird Net 2000 is manufactured form knotted polyethylene twine, is flame resistant,

“super strong.

When installed, Bird Net 2000 is virtually invisible.

Installation Overview:

It is important to pick the correct hardware for your specific Bird Net job.

For example, Bird Net attached to a wood frame would take different hardware that Bird Net that is

attached to concrete or steel. The common thread to every netting job is properly attaching a tensioned

cable to your opening on the building, and then attaching the netting with “ hog rings”.

Installation Instructions:


Corner and Intermediate Attachments

A. Corner Attachments are under the most pressure, and must be the strongest part of the

system or the entire system will fail. Corner attachments are used where the cables

begin/end and where cable turns corners. Example: If you are netting off a square

building, corner attachments would be place in the four corners of the building.

Examples of Corner attachments include:

1. For Wood: Galvanizes or Stainless Screw Eyes.

2. For Concrete: Expanding Net Bolts.

3. For Steel: Eye Bolts & Nut (This is the only item that needs to be drilled into

the steel.)

B. Intermediate Attachments also hold the cable to the structure. The purpose of

intermediate attachments is to hold the cable tight against the wall, i.e. prevent it fro

bowing and/or giving the birds room to enter/exit the area of coverage.

1. Installation of Intermediate Attachments should be every 2 3 feet.

Note: For sparrows, swallows and smaller birds, intermediates should be placed

mo more that 2 ft. apart, otherwise the birds may be able to get behind the gaps

in the cable.

2. Examples of Intermediate Attachments include:

a. Anchor Rivets and Split Pins: Multi Purpose Cable Brackets. These can

be used in wood or concrete frames. Advantage: Low Visibility as well as


b. Hilty Hooks which can be hammered directly into concrete. Advantages:

strength, but larger head makes it more noticeable than anchor rivet and

split pin option.

c. For Steel: Girder Clips. They are installed by hammering on to steel

beam. Be sure not to hammer in all the way, or the cable won’t be able to

run through jaw of the bracket.

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