BARSKA BE11642 Elite Edition Metal Detector User Manual
Page 13

In order to detect the target deeply buried, you can adjust the SENS
to a high position. But do not set the level of SENS to Max position,
or the detector will receive interference and false signal from a
broadcast antenna and other electronic lines. The detector will have
unstable arrow and irregular tone indications.
Application Hints
Pinpointing The Target
Accurately pinpointing a target makes digging it up easier. But it takes practice.
We suggest you practice finding sample on your own property before you
search other locations. Follow these steps to pinpoint a target.
1. When the detector detects a buried target, continue sweeping the search coil
over the target in a narrowing side-to-side motion.
2. Make a visual note of exact spot on the ground where the detector beeps.
3. Stop the search coil directly over this point on the
ground. Then move the search coil straight
forward away from you and straight back towards
you a couple of times.
Repeat steps 1~3 at a right angle to the original
search line, Make a mark of “X”. The target will be
directly below the “X” at the point of the beep