AVTECH Report Generator Plugin User Manual

Report generator plugin, Device manager

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Configuring The Report Generator Plugin To Run As A Scheduled Task

1. Go to the ‘Downloads’ section on the AVTECH website ( Login using the Username

and Password emailed to you when you purchased your Room Alert or TemPageR monitor. Request this online if

needed. Click to download the Report Generator Plugin (purchased separately) onto the host PC that is running

AVTECH’s Device ManageR application software. Follow the download instructions as prompted.

2. The Report Generator Plugin works by using a set of keywords that can be used within your report emails. These

keywords will be replaced by Device ManageR with information regarding the current status of the discovered

devices. Below is a list of keywords and a short description on what they will be replaced with:


[Keyword] - Description


[ALERT_COUNT] - Total number of alerts detected.


[ALERT_COUNT_TODAY] - Total number of alerts detected within the last 24 hours.


[ALERT_COUNT_THIS_WEEK] - Total number of alerts detected within the past 7 days.


[ALERT_COUNT_THIS_MONTH] - Total number of alerts detected within the past 30 days


[ALERT_COUNT_THIS_YEAR] - Total number of alerts detected within the past 365 days.


[CURRENT_ALERTS] - Number of alerts currently in progress.


[CONFIGURED_ALERT_COUNT] - Number of alerts currently configured.


[ALERT_LIST] - List of alerts and their current status.


[ALL_VALUES] - List of discovered devices and the current values for all connected sensors.


[CURRENT_VALUES] - List of discovered devices and current values on all connected sensors.


[CURRENT_TEMPERATURES] - List of discovered devices and the current temperature values on

built-in and connected sensors.


[TOTAL_DEVICES] - Total number of devices currently discovered.


[AVTECH_DEVICE_COUNT] - Total number of AVTECH devices that have been discovered

(Room Alert and/or TemPageR).


[AXIS_DEVICE_COUNT] - Total number of Axis cameras devices discovered.


[PING_COUNT] - Total number of Pings that have been configured and are currently being monitored.


[SERVER_IP] - IP address of the host system running Device ManageR.


[SERVER_PORT] - Port used by the web interface of Device ManageR.


[DATETIME] – Current date and time on host system running Device ManageR.

Application Note

Device ManageR

Report Generator Plugin

Instructions For Configuring To Run As A Scheduled Task

AVTECH’s Report Generator Plugin, for use with AVTECH’s Device MangeR software, will allow users to send detailed

reports automatically on a schedule from Device ManageR to an unlimited number of contacts via email regarding

specified Room Alert, TemPageR and sensor devices on the network. This plugin is especially useful with the ‘Scheduled

Tasks’ functionality, however can also be used to send report emails when alerts occur. See the instructions below for