Ii. routing the wiring harness, Iii. navigation hook up – American Expedition Vehicles Rear Vision System User Manual

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II. routing the wiring harness

1. Route the camera wiring harness A (see diagram pg 1) through the tailgate (fig. 6) following the fac-

tory wiring through the protective sleeve and down to the passenger-side floor.

Figure 6

2. Continue routing the wiring harness along the passenger-side floor following the factory wiring.

If you are installing the AEV Rear Vision System with your factory Radio/Navigation, continue to sec-

tion III. If you will be using the AEV Rearview Mirror Display you may skip to section IV.

III. Navigation hook up

1. Plug Wiring Harness B (see diagram pg 1) into the 12 volt outlet plug* and the factory 12 volt con-

nector unplugged in step I–15.

*For 2007—2012 Vehicles use the cigarette ligher outlet on the left side of the switch panel.

2. Reinstall the lower switch panel.

3. Install three pins from Harness B into the white plug as shown (fig. 7).

Figure 7: 22-pin Connector face