AAEON FWS-7600 User Manual
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N e t w o r k Ap p l i a n c e
F W S - 7 6 0 0
2.17 FAN Connector (FAN1, FAN2, FAN3) .................... 2-13
2.18 PS/2 Keyboard/ Mouse Connector (CN2) ............... 2-13
2.19 SATA Power Connector (PWR1) ............................ 2-13
2.20 LCM & Key Pad Control Connector (LCMA1) ......... 2-13
2.21 PCIX Power Connector (CN1) ................................ 2-14
2.22 Installing the CPU and the Heatpipe ....................... 2-15
2.23 Hard Disk Drive Installation ..................................... 2-20
2.24 LAN Module Installation .......................................... 2-23
Chapter 3 Award BIOS Setup
3.1 System Test and Initialization ................................... 3-2
3.2 Award BIOS Setup .................................................... 3-3
Chapter 4 Driver Installation
4.1 Installation ................................................................. 4-3
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer
A.1 Programming ......................................................... A-2
A.2 W83627EHG Watchdog Timer Initial Program ...... A-6
Appendix B I/O Information
B.1 I/O Address Map .................................................... B-2
B.2 Memory Address Map ............................................ B-3
B.3 IRQ Mapping Chart ................................................ B-4
B.4 DMA Channel Assignments ................................... B-4
Appendix C Standard Firewall Platform Setting
C.1 Standard Firewall Platform Setting ....................... C-2